When he finds his best friend Trey Goodsby dead and almost completely submerged in a bathtub filled with bloody water, Sean McIntyre is determined to find out if it was an accident or suicide. If it was suicide, why did he do it? And, did his death have anything to do with Madeline Edwards, the woman who came between them constantly through their thirteen-year friendship?
Isosceles, a coming-of-age mystery romance begins with the death of Trey Goodsby, and explores his relationships with family, friends, his romances, and which of the circumstances he found himself in that led to the tragic event, and the repercussions for those he left behind.

“An absorbing, often insightful story of troubled youth and volatile friendships.”
— Kirkus Reviews
“Scott R. Caseley does a masterful job capturing the angst and anguish inherent in adolescence—his characters struggle with families and friendship, love and loyalty, gaining self-confidence and facing possible self-destruction, surviving loss and eventually growing up through it all. Readers will enjoy the ride, and perhaps learn a little about themselves as well.” — David S. Brody, Boston Globe Bestselling author of Cabal of the Westford Knight
“Oh, where to begin on this epic tale of friendship, family, love and death…I think I’ll start with the three main characters of this contemporary tale. I was able to relate to each one and even saw bits of myself.” — The Writing Mama
“Isosceles hits a lot of difficult issues many teens face, bullying, social awkwardness, divorce, death of loved ones, drinking, stealing and sexual involvement. Each topic is handled in a way that is appropriate and doesn’t go into unnecessary detail for drama or mass effect. Kudos to the author! The foul language is used in dialogue just as a teen (when no parent or adult is in ear shot) would use it. The voice of each character is authentic and each scene is something many of us as adults have been in ourselves. A truly well done coming of age story with a bit of mystery and romance to top it all off. ” ***** — Families Matter
“In short, we feel Isosceles is a contemporary novel for anyone who loves literature. It’s beautifully written, the characters are deep, it engages the reader and causes us to think and reflect upon our own lives, fears, regrets and success.” — The World of Ink Network
“This novel pulled me into it. I was angry and frustrated at times. I ached for these kids and wept for their broken childhoods. The brutal nature of their experiences mixed with the horror of the outcome touched me as I read and I felt I knew these kids. The raw and unfettered nature of their language, their lives and their loves was masterfully accomplished as my heart was truly with these people and they lost their role as simply characters in a story.” — Writing Blind
“This is a character driven novel that will keep the reader glued to the story. The ending is very surprising. It was ending like no other. In fact the ending made me want to go back and reread the novel to fill in a few details. I’m sure readers of all ages will enjoy the book as much as I did.” 5 Stars. — Inspiring Books and Products for Kids
“Congratulations, Scott, for an interesting look into the problems and psychology of children and teens… The finer psychological points are revealed slowly throughout the story, so I’ll leave it to you, dear reader, to decide which leg of the isosceles triangle was the short one.” — Stories a la Mode
“You have all heard the saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover,” but how often is this cliché true about a novel? Most the time we do judge a book by its cover as to whether we want to read it or not. We judge its genre by the cover, but sometimes we get an amazing story the cover just doesn’t reveal to us. Even a book blurb can mislead or only open a crack into the true story. This holds for Isosceles by Scott R. Caseley.” — Blog Critics
From 2007-8, Scott wrote for His main focus was documentary filmmaker interviews. These four articles represent an eclectic selection of topics. The artists profiled gave their audiences unique looks at the world be it about the horrors of war, some tire spinning fun in rural Maine, presenting art from the outside looking in, and the world of professional ice hockey.
Though my passion for writing extends primarily to mysteries, you’ll find that I dabble in other genres as well. If you are discovering my work for the first time, and one of my regular readers, I want to give you all a variety of things to choose from. Starting with my first published short story, a supernatural Halloween story for the Middle Grade set called, “Trick or Treating in Snowtober”. Enjoy! ~ SRC

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